Problem #1
White to play and win!
Solution: 1. axb6 Rb8 2. Ra8 (2. Qa5 also wins but with more tempi and far less style!) 2... Rxa8 3. b7 Rb8 4. Qa5+ Ke8 5. Qa8 Qf6 6. Qxb8+ 1-0 - Mark the solution with your cursor if you wish to see it.
Problem #2
White to play and win!
![[image] [image]](
Solution: 1. Nc6 Nxc6 2. e5 Bxe5 (2... Nxe5 3. Ne4 Ng6 (3... Nd7 4. Rxd6 Be5 5. f6 Bxf6 6. Rxd7 Bxd7 7. Nxf6) 4. Nxf6 Qxf6 5. fxg6 Qg7 6. Qxg7+ Kxg7 7. gxf7+ (7. gxh7+Kh8 (7... Kxh7 8. Rd4) 8. Rxd6) 7... Kxf7 8. Rxd6) 3. f6 Bxf6 4. Bd3 Bg5+ 5. Rxg5 f5 (5... f6 6. Rg3 Bd7 7. Rdg1 Rf7 8. Ne4 Qf8 (8... Ne5 9. Nxd6 Ng6 (9... Rff8 10. Rg7) 10. Nxf7+ Qxf7 11. Rxg6) 9. Rg8+ Qxg8 10. Rxg8+ Rxg8 11. Nxd6 Rg1+ 12. Kd2 Rfg7 13. Qxf6) 6. Rdg1 Ra7 7. Ne2 Ne5 8. Nf4 Qf7 9. h3 Rd8 10. Nh5 Ng4 11. hxg4 1-0 Kholmov - Bronstein, Kiev 1964 - Mark the solution with your cursor if you wish to see it.
Problem #3
![[image] [image]](
Solution: 1. Qxd6 Qa5+ (1... cxd6 2. Bxd6+ Ka8 3. Nc7+ Kb8 4. Nxb5+ Ka8 5. Nc7+ Kb8 6. Nd5+ Ka8 7. Nb6+) 2. Ra2 cxd6 (2... Qxa2+ 3. Kxa2 cxd6 4. Bxd6+ Ka8 5. Nb6+ axb6 6. Ra1 (6. Kb2 Re5 7. Bxe5 Bd7 8. Ra1+ Ba4 9. Rxa4#) 6... Re5 7. Bxe5 Bd7 8. Kb2+ (8. Kb1+ Ba4 9. Rxa4#) 8... Ba4 9. Rxa4#) 3. Bxd6+ Ka8 4. Rxa5 b6 5. Nxb6+ - Mark the solution with your cursor if you wish to see it