No need for deep analysis but it’s still nice to share the basic themes of development.
[Event "ICC"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2011.03.06"]
[White "MusiqueWand"]
[Black "vnchess"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2363"]
[BlackElo "2195"]
[ECO "E94"]
[Opening "King's Indian"]
[Variation "Orthodox variation"]
[TimeControl "2700+45"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 O-O 6. Nf3 e5 7. O-O exd4
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{I actually quite like these Marotzy formations! I have always found them solid and natural to play}
8. Nxd4 Re8 9. f3 c6 10. Nc2!
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{A modern move, White brings the Knight back but opens the file for his Queen and centre pawns to stop …d5. this move is also effective against …Nb8-a6-b4 and if needed it supports b2-b4. Black’s d-pawn is always a problem pawn in the Marotzy bind formation.}
10… Na6 11. Kh1
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{This is a prophylactic move but a good one as that! White makes sure that …Qb6 is not …Qb6+ and that makes a lot of difference! Some of White’s possible plans even include a Rg1 / g4 or Qd3 / Bd2 / Ne3. the idea of Qd3 is very rarely played and if Black allows it it’ll allow White a fantastic game. White would prefer to have his DSB on d2 because that protects the c3 Knight from Bg7xc3 and use the e3 square to post another Knight to stop future …d5. if White just plays Bd2 first the Bishop will block the Queen and …d5 may be possible. Of course the simple Bc1-e3 is more common to parry …Na6-c5 and to simply develop the Bishop out to a centralized square. Blakc would want to play …Be6 / …Nd7 but that will allow for Qxd6! Another good point for the earlier Nd4-c2.}
11… Be6 12. Be3
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{Just look how White’s pieces are all beautifully centralized}
12… d5?
{Premature! That allows white to advance with e4-e5 and then f4 with a dangerous central domination.}
13. cxd5 cxd5 14. e5!
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{Black already has an isolated pawn in the centre that in itself is a weakness. White gains more space, dislodges black’s Knight and introduces a new threat, Nc2-d4 as well as f3-f4-f5. try to find some of the lines controlled by the Bishops that will later provide a vital tactical resource}
14… Nd7 15. f4 f6?
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{Very bad move! now Nd4 will attack the Bishop, if the Bishop stays then NxB / Qxd5 will pin the Rook and it’s pretty much game over. If the Bishop moves… well… you’ll see!}
16. Nd4 Bf7 17. e6!!
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{Same plan, how cool is that! Now you can see that after Qxd5 White threatens Bxa6 and Black may find the recapture …bxa6 hard to play when the Queen will threat to capture the Rook. Of course, f4-f5 is always in the air and once White plays Rad1, positionally speaking, Black can resign.}
17… Bxe6 18. Nxe6 Rxe6 19. Qxd5
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{Pinning the Rook, if …Qe7?? Then Bxa6 is 1-0}
19… Nc7 20. Qb3 Kh8 21. Bg1! f5 22. Rad1! Qc8 23. Bf3!
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{White’s last 3 moves are all best moves and positionally best but not very difficult to find}
23… Rb6 24. Bxb6
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{Black had other plans but they more or less led to the same thing. Pressure on the b-pawn, total positional control and a2-a4-a5 and winning. I missed the threat of Qf7 but not because I didn’t see it but because I thought advancing the a-pawn is stronger. either way, both are good and decent plans.}
24… Nxb6 25. a4 Na6 26. a5 Nc5 27. Qb5 Nbd7 28. Rxd7 1-0
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